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When I began exploring the idea of photographing my relationship with Louis, it started as a documentary style look inside into our day to day. As the semester progressed and quarantine came into play, I was challenged with continuing this series because of the stay at home circumstances. Luckily I found what I really wanted to convey in these images was the small intimate moments that we spend in our apartment and surrounding areas. Holding a mirror up to our day to day and documenting the many playful, dull, or sad times was my goal for these images. From our morning routine in the bathroom, moments in our bed, to blaring our favorite songs in my car, these are the fleeting moments I aim to document. We moved in together 3 years ago and have been together for 5 years. The growth and  language of a relationship as close as ours changes month to month. Learning to accept those languages and changes is the core of our partnership.

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